Yoga on 7th on June 25 at 6:15 a.m. – a perfect day for back bends
I made it to bed last night around 10:30, and had just turned out the light when I remembered that I hadn’t laid out my clothes for the morning.
Tired as I was, I got up, gathered the tights, t-shirt and underwear and hung them in the bathroom.
Any other night I might have weighed the options and decided to stay horizontal.
But I know I don’t cope well with choice at 5 a.m. and I also know that strange fluke of time that makes the minutes in the morning, before you leave the house, so much more fleeting than the minutes in the evening, when there’s nowhere else you need to be.
It reminded me of how taking on an early morning practice shapes not just the morning, but the night before. And a commitment to a regular morning practice eventually changes the shape of all of your days.
Day five means we are halfway through the Sadhana.
Right now I have the best motivation in the world to prepare the night before and get up when the alarm goes off.
From the talk in the room, I know there are several Sadhanistas who want to keep on practicing early when the Sadhana is over.
So how do we find our motivation after July 1?
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Hi Judy,
One thing that I’ve found helped me keep a practice going was finding a practice buddy. We’d get together once a week and work on the poses that we’d done in class. Hard to arrange for 6:30 a.m., I know. . . .
I love the blog these last few days. I feel like I’m part of a new group.
You’re doing a fantastic job. I was thinking today that if by some miracle I could keep doing yoga at this intensity my overall health and outlook would improve.
I feel better when I do yoga. So why can’t I do it on my own? Something to ponder on day 11. One obvious point is that I hold the pose longer in class.