The starting point for a supported version of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. On back, belt on thighs, blanket under shoulders, wood brick at the wall, and one nearby.
Welcome to Five-Minute Yoga. This blog is no longer active, but you’re welcome to poke around and take from it whatever benefit you can – short of unlawful use of copyrighted material, of course.
If you’d like to know more about what I’m doing these days, go to, and sign up for my Pain-Free Posture Newsletter. You’ll find a live link in the About Me section.
Let me talk you through 11 five-minute yoga practices, all illustrated with detailed photos.
About Me
My name is Eve Johnson.
I teach Spinefulness, an awareness discipline that restores the pain-free posture we had as children, and that people in traditional cultures still enjoy.
Noelle Perez, who created this system through exacting study of posture in pre-industrial societies, was an early student of BKS Iyengar. She credits him with the initial insights that set her on her path.
As well as Spinefulness, I teach Spineful Yoga, an integration of pain-free Spineful alignment and the Iyengar yoga that I studied for 30 years.
If you'd like to know more, visit me at You'll find a live link below in the blog roll.
Bend Over Backwards Yoga Studio
An engaing Iyengar yoga studio in Nanaimo, run by my friend, and fellow Jr. I candidate when we were assessed, Kelly Murphy.
Ant & Anise
The food blog I write with my niece, Kris – get it?